Condensed Matter Theory : [456] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 21 to 40 of 456
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
7-Oct-2016Ab initio quantum Monte Carlo simulation of the warm dense electron gas in the thermodynamic limitDornheim, T; Groth, S; Sjostrom, T; Malone, FD; Foulkes, WMC, et al
Oct-2023Ab-initio quantum chemistry with neural-network wavefunctionsHermann, J; Spencer, J; Choo, K; Mezzacapo, A; Foulkes, WMC, et al
1-Nov-2020Ab-initio solution of the many-electron Schrödinger equation with deep neural networksPfau, D; Spencer, JS; Matthews, AGDG; Foulkes, WMC
25-Oct-2017Absence of Ergodicity without Quenched Disorder: From Quantum Disentangled Liquids to Many-Body LocalizationSmith, A; Knolle, J; Moessner, R; Kovrizhin, DL
14-Feb-2006Accurate and efficient method for the treatment of exchange in a plane-wave basis.Sorouri, A; Foulkes, WM; Hine, ND
7-Sep-2016Accurate exchange-correlation energies for the warm dense electron gasMalone, FD; Blunt, NS; Brown, EW; Lee, DKK; Spencer, JS, et al
2-Jun-2016Adiabatic perturbation theory of electronic stopping in insulatorsHorsfield, AP; Lim, A; Foulkes, WMC; Correa, AA;
30-Jan-2010Aiding the design of radiation resistant materials with multiphysics simulations of damage processesRace, CP; Mason, DR; le Page, J; Finnis, MW; Foulkes, WMC, et al
1-Sep-2020Algorithms for tensor network contraction orderingSchindler, F; Jermyn, AS
15-Aug-1998An accelerated Metropolis methodStedman, ML; Foulkes, WMC; Nekovee, M
9-May-2022An Archimedes' screw for lightGaliffi, E; Huidobro, PA; Pendry, J; , et al
22-Apr-2022An Archimedes' screw for lightGaliffi, E; Huidobro, P; Pendry, J
20-Oct-2023An exact chiral amorphous spin liquidCassella, G; D'Ornellas, P; Hodson, T; Natori, WMH; Knolle, J
29-Sep-2010An improved model of interatomic forces for large simulations of metals containing excited electronsRace, CP; Mason, DR; Sutton, AP
4-Apr-2013Analytic theory of optical nanoplasmonic metamaterialsDemetriadou, A; Hess, O
May-2019Analytical expressions for the efficiency limits of radiatively coupled tandem solar cellsPusch, A; Pearce, P; Ekins-Daukes, N
7-Feb-2021Animal intermittent locomotion: a null model for the probability of moving forward in bounded space.Christensen, K; Cocconi, L; Sendova-Franks, AB
26-Apr-2017Anomalous de Haas-van Alphen Effect in InAs/GaSb Quantum WellsKnolle, J; Cooper, NR
25-Jul-2016Anomalous spectral shift of near- and far-field plasmonic resonances in nano-gapsLombardi, A; Demetriadou, A; Weller, L; Benz, F; Chikkaraddy, R, et al
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 21 to 40 of 456