Coarse graining equations for flow in porous media: a HaarWavelets and renormalization approach
Pancaldi, Vera
Thesis or dissertation
Coarse graining of equations for flow in porous media is an important aspect in modelling permeable subsurface geological systems. In the study of hydrocarbon reservoirs as well as in hydrology, there is a need for reducing the size of the numerical models to make them computationally efficient, while preserving all the relevant information which is given at different scales.
In the first part, a new renormalization method for upscaling permeability in Darcy’s
equation based on Haar wavelets is presented, which differs from other wavelet based methods. The pressure field is expressed as a set of averages and differences, using a
one level Haar wavelet transform matrix. Applying this transform to the finite difference discretized form of Darcy’s law, one can deduce which permeability values on the
coarse scale would give rise to the average pressure field. Numerical simulations were
performed to test this technique on homogeneous and heterogeneous systems.
A generalization of the above method was developed designing a hierarchical transform
matrix inspired by a full Haar wavelet transform, which allows us to describe
pressure as an average and a set of progressively smaller scale differences. Using this transform the pressure solution can be performed at the required level of detail, allowing for different resolutions to be kept in different parts of the system.
A natural extension of the methods is the application to two-phase flow. Upscaling
mobility allows the saturation profile to be calculated on the fine or coarse scale while
based on coarse pressure values.
To conclude, an alternative approach to upscaling in multi-phase flow is to upscale
the saturation equation itself. Taking its Laplace transform, this equation can be reduced to a simple eigenvalue problem. The wavelet upscaling method can now be applied to
calculate the upscaled saturation profile, starting with fine scale velocity data.
In the first part, a new renormalization method for upscaling permeability in Darcy’s
equation based on Haar wavelets is presented, which differs from other wavelet based methods. The pressure field is expressed as a set of averages and differences, using a
one level Haar wavelet transform matrix. Applying this transform to the finite difference discretized form of Darcy’s law, one can deduce which permeability values on the
coarse scale would give rise to the average pressure field. Numerical simulations were
performed to test this technique on homogeneous and heterogeneous systems.
A generalization of the above method was developed designing a hierarchical transform
matrix inspired by a full Haar wavelet transform, which allows us to describe
pressure as an average and a set of progressively smaller scale differences. Using this transform the pressure solution can be performed at the required level of detail, allowing for different resolutions to be kept in different parts of the system.
A natural extension of the methods is the application to two-phase flow. Upscaling
mobility allows the saturation profile to be calculated on the fine or coarse scale while
based on coarse pressure values.
To conclude, an alternative approach to upscaling in multi-phase flow is to upscale
the saturation equation itself. Taking its Laplace transform, this equation can be reduced to a simple eigenvalue problem. The wavelet upscaling method can now be applied to
calculate the upscaled saturation profile, starting with fine scale velocity data.
Date Issued
Date Awarded
Format Extent
3105953 bytes
King, Peter
Christensen, Kim
Pancaldi, Vera
Publisher Department
Earth Science and Engineering
Publisher Institution
Imperial College London
Qualification Level
Qualification Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)