Earth Science and Engineering PhD theses : [515] Collection home page

Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 61 to 80 of 515
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2017Computational and numerical aspects of full waveform seismic inversionWarner, Michael; Burgess, Timothy James;
Feb-2019Computational investigations of viscous fingering in enhanced oil recoveryMuggeridge, Ann; Abdul Hamid, Shahrizal Anuar
Apr-2014Computational methods for geochemical modelling: applications to carbon dioxide sequestrationBlunt, Martin; Moreira Mulin Leal, Allan;
Jun-2015Constraining landscape sensitivity to climate change using geomorphological and sedimentological approachesWhittaker, Alexander; D'Arcy, Mitchall;
Jan-2023Constraining paleothermal histories of Mesozoic basins through clumped isotope analysis of fine-grained carbonatesJohn, Cedric; Roberts, Gareth; Dale, Annabel; Osborne, Mark; Robinson, Alexandra
Oct-2020Continental scale landscape evolution: A multi-proxy approachRoberts, Gareth; Whittaker, Alexander; Milanez Fernandes, Victoria
2008Controlled Low-Strength Materials Containing Solid Waste from Minerals BioleachingDudeney, Bill; Cheeseman, Chris; Bouzalakos, Steve;
May-2017Controls on the distribution of molybdenum and other critical trace elements at the Bingham Canyon porphyry deposit, UtahWilkinson, Jamie J.; Kocher, Simon;
Dec-2017Controls on the enrichment of the Serra Verde rare earth deposit, BrazilHerrington, Richard; Wilkinson, Jamie; Pinto Ward, Carmen;
Oct-2013Controls on the flow regime and thermal structure of the subduction zone mantle wedge: a systematic 2-D and 3-D investigationDavies, Rhodri; Goes, Saskia; Piggott, Matthew; Le Voci, Giuseppe;
Aug-2015Cosmochemistry of iron meteorites; trace element composition of metal and sulfide phasesGenge, Matthew; Rehkamper, Mark; Bland, Phil; Leclerc, Marlene
May-2011Coupled deformation, fluid flow and fracture propagation in porous mediaGorman, Gerard; Blunt, Martin; Lamb, Anthony Raphael;
Dec-2010Coupled Neutronic Thermal Fluid Dynamic Modelling of a Very High Temperature ReactorPain, Christopher; Goddard, Tony; Tollit, Brendan S.
Aug-2019Coupling clumped isotope thermometry and XRD analysis in the study of shallow-burial dolomite diagenesisJohn, Cédric; Krevor, Samuel; Veillard, Claire Marie Anne;
Jan-2022Crustal seismic structure of the eastern Mediterranean: evidence from broadband seismologyBastow, Ian; Ogden, Christopher Steven;
Sep-2015Deciphering glacial-interglacial Southern Ocean dynamics with deep-sea coralsvan de Flierdt, Tina; Struve, Torben
Apr-2015Decision making and efficient surrogate-assisted optimisation techniques under uncertainty: application to CO2 sequestrationBlunt, Martin; King, Peter; Petvipusit, Rachares;
Jul-2013Decision making and uncertainty quantification for surfactant-polymer floodingKing, Peter; Alkhatib, Ali
Jun-2023Deep ocean circulation during the early Eocene: a model-data comparisonvan de Flierdt, Tina; Lunt, Dan; Ross, Phoebe;
May-2022Deep-water channel-levee system: their geomorphic evolution, stratigraphic architecture, and interaction with salt diapirs in the base of slope to basin floor environmentJackson, Christopher; Odeh, Isaac Abraham;
Collection's Items (Sorted by Title in Ascending order): 61 to 80 of 515