All 81 crepant resolutions of a finite quotient singularity are hyperpolygon spaces
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Accepted version
Bellamy, Gwyn
Craw, Alastair
Rayan, Steven
Schedler, Travis
Weiss, Hartmut
Journal Article
We demonstrate that the linear quotient singularity for the exceptional subgroup G
in Sp(4, C) of order 32 is isomorphic to an affine quiver variety for a 5-pointed star-shaped quiver.
This allows us to construct uniformly all 81 projective crepant resolutions of C4/G as hyperpolygon
spaces by variation of GIT quotient, and we describe both the movable cone and the Namikawa
Weyl group action via an explicit hyperplane arrangement. More generally, for the n-pointed star
shaped quiver, we describe completely the birational geometry for the corresponding hyperpolygon
spaces in dimension 2n − 6; for example, we show that there are 1684 projective crepant resolutions
when n = 6. We also prove that the resulting affine cones are not quotient singularities for n ≥ 6.
in Sp(4, C) of order 32 is isomorphic to an affine quiver variety for a 5-pointed star-shaped quiver.
This allows us to construct uniformly all 81 projective crepant resolutions of C4/G as hyperpolygon
spaces by variation of GIT quotient, and we describe both the movable cone and the Namikawa
Weyl group action via an explicit hyperplane arrangement. More generally, for the n-pointed star
shaped quiver, we describe completely the birational geometry for the corresponding hyperpolygon
spaces in dimension 2n − 6; for example, we show that there are 1684 projective crepant resolutions
when n = 6. We also prove that the resulting affine cones are not quotient singularities for n ≥ 6.
Date Issued
Date Acceptance
Journal of Algebraic Geometry, 2024, 33, pp.757-793
American Mathematical Society
Start Page
End Page
Journal / Book Title
Journal of Algebraic Geometry
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© Copyright 2024 University Press, Inc. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License (
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