The cosmic graph: optimal information extraction from large-scale structure using catalogues
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Published version
Heavens, Alan
Makinen, T Lucas
Lemos, Pablo
Porqueres, Natalia
Wandelt, Benjamin
Journal Article
We present an implicit likelihood approach to quantifying cosmological information over discrete catalogue data, assembled as graphs. To do so, we explore cosmological parameter constraints using mock dark matter halo catalogues. We employ Information Maximising Neural Networks (IMNNs) to quantify Fisher information extraction as a function of graph representation. We a) demonstrate the high sensitivity of modular graph structure to the underlying cosmology in the noise-free limit, b) show that graph neural network summaries automatically combine mass and clustering information through comparisons to traditional statistics, c) demonstrate that networks can still extract information when catalogues are subject to noisy survey cuts, and d) illustrate how nonlinear IMNN summaries can be used as asymptotically optimal compressed statistics for Bayesian simulation-based inference. We reduce the area of joint Ωm,σ8 parameter constraints with small (∼100 object) halo catalogues by a factor of 42 over the two-point correlation function, and demonstrate that the networks automatically combine mass and clustering information. This work utilises a new IMNN implementation over graph data in Jax, which can take advantage of either numerical or auto-differentiability. We also show that graph IMNNs successfully compress simulations away from the fiducial model at which the network is fitted, indicating a promising alternative to n-point statistics in catalogue simulation-based analyses.
Date Issued
Date Acceptance
Open Journal of Astrophysics, 2022, 5, pp.1-16
Start Page
End Page
Journal / Book Title
Open Journal of Astrophysics
Copyright Statement
© 2022 The Author(s). This work is published under a CC BY licence.
Publication Status
Date Publish Online