Cellular coherence: investigations into spatial self-organization
Erkurt, Murat
Thesis or dissertation
The goal of this Thesis is to investigate spatial self-organization. The cellular coherence
is the mechanism of local actioning units ensembled over a network to generate
organization. The cells are modeled as computational machines acting through their
regulatory networks with di erent types being the attractors of such automata. The
self-organized cell types across the tissue is the emergent organism.
The work consists of two building blocks: Cellular dynamics and gene regulation.
In cellular dynamics, we cellularize continuous space-time dynamics on a general
manifold into discrete dynamics on a mesh. Singular attractor is proposed as a novel
dynamics that generates tissue-wide symmetry breaking which is key for generating
form in an organism. Extending the model to dipolar attractor, it is shown that
animal body plans can self-organize by self-generated positional information.
In gene regulation, we develop the computron as a generalized computational
model of genetic regulatory networks where each gene is a node of the machine and
the attractor con gurations are the cell types. We provide a formal set-theoretic
framework for embedding the gene regulatory network into a novel metric space,
called the diversity space. A measure for complexity of regulation is proposed using
entanglement complexity of basin partitioning. Combining cellular dynamics and
gene regulation, a model for morphogenesis is presented.
In this Thesis, we invented a mechanism for developing fully
edged organism
forms through self-organization, contributing a mathematical basis to biological theory
of development. Whether Nature does it the same way remains to be seen. On
the practical front, our work can be used for building self-organizing nano-machinery,
and can nd applications in soft robotics and biomimetic architecture.
is the mechanism of local actioning units ensembled over a network to generate
organization. The cells are modeled as computational machines acting through their
regulatory networks with di erent types being the attractors of such automata. The
self-organized cell types across the tissue is the emergent organism.
The work consists of two building blocks: Cellular dynamics and gene regulation.
In cellular dynamics, we cellularize continuous space-time dynamics on a general
manifold into discrete dynamics on a mesh. Singular attractor is proposed as a novel
dynamics that generates tissue-wide symmetry breaking which is key for generating
form in an organism. Extending the model to dipolar attractor, it is shown that
animal body plans can self-organize by self-generated positional information.
In gene regulation, we develop the computron as a generalized computational
model of genetic regulatory networks where each gene is a node of the machine and
the attractor con gurations are the cell types. We provide a formal set-theoretic
framework for embedding the gene regulatory network into a novel metric space,
called the diversity space. A measure for complexity of regulation is proposed using
entanglement complexity of basin partitioning. Combining cellular dynamics and
gene regulation, a model for morphogenesis is presented.
In this Thesis, we invented a mechanism for developing fully
edged organism
forms through self-organization, contributing a mathematical basis to biological theory
of development. Whether Nature does it the same way remains to be seen. On
the practical front, our work can be used for building self-organizing nano-machinery,
and can nd applications in soft robotics and biomimetic architecture.
Open Access
Date Issued
Online Publication Date
Date Awarded
Copyright Statement
Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial NoDerivatives Licence
Jensen, Henrik
Publisher Department
Publisher Institution
Imperial College London
Qualification Level
Qualification Name
Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)