NMR insights into the pre-amyloid ensemble and secretion targeting of the curli subunit CsgA
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Journal Article
The biofilms of Enterobacteriaceae are fortified by assembly of curli amyloid fibres on the cell surface. Curli not only provides structural reinforcement, but also facilitates surface adhesion. To prevent toxic intracellular accumulation of amyloid precipitate, secretion of the major curli subunit, CsgA, is tightly regulated. In this work, we have employed solution state NMR spectroscopy to characterise the structural ensemble of the pre-fibrillar state of CsgA within the bacterial periplasm, and upon recruitment to the curli pore, CsgG, and the secretion chaperone, CsgE. We show that the N-terminal targeting sequence (N) of CsgA binds specifically to CsgG and that its subsequent sequestration induces a marked transition in the conformational ensemble, which is coupled to a preference for CsgE binding. These observations lead us to suggest a sequential model for binding and structural rearrangement of CsgA at the periplasmic face of the secretion machinery.
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Nature Publishing Group
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Scientific Reports
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Engineering & Physical Science Research Council (EPSRC)
Imperial College Trust
Medical Research Council (MRC)
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ARTN 7896