The role of health kiosks: a scoping review
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Journal Article
Background: Health kiosks are publicly accessible computing devices that provide access to services including health information provision, clinical measurement collection, patient self-check-in, telemonitoring and teleconsultation. While the increase in internet access and ownership of smart personal devices could make kiosks redundant, recent reports have predicted that the market will continue to grow. Objectives: We sought to clarify the current and future roles of health kiosks by investigating: (a) the setting, role, and clinical domains in which kiosks are used; (b) whether usability evaluations of health kiosks are being reported and if so, what methods are being utilized; and (c) what the barriers and facilitators are for the deployment of kiosks. Methods: We conducted a scoping review by a bibliographic search of the Google Scholar, PubMed and Web of Science databases for studies and other publications between January 2009 and June 2020. Eligible papers describe the implementation, either as primary studies, systematic reviews, or news and feature articles. Additional reports were obtained by manual searching and through querying key informants. For each article we abstracted settings, purposes, health domains, whether the kiosk was opportunistic or integrated with a clinical pathway, and inclusion of usability testing. We then summarized the data in frequency tables. Results: A total of 141 articles were included, 134 primary studies and seven reviews. 47% of the primary studies described kiosks in secondary care settings, other settings included community (23.9%), primary care (17.9%), and pharmacies (6.0%). The most common roles of health kiosks were providing health information (35.1%), taking clinical measurements (20.9%), screening (12.7%), telehealth (8.2%), and patient registration (6.0%). The five most frequent health domains were multiple conditions (24.6%), Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) (7.5%), hypertension (7.5%), pediatric injuries (5.2%), health and wellbeing (4.5%) and drug monitoring (4.5%). Kiosks were integrated in the clinical pathway in 70.1%, opportunistic kiosks accounted for 23.9% and 6.0% were being used in both. Usability evaluations of the kiosk were reported in 20.1% of the papers. Barriers (use of expensive proprietary software) and enablers (handling on-demand consultations) to deploying health kiosks were identified. Conclusions: Health kiosks still play a vital role in the healthcare system, including collecting clinical measurements and providing access to online health services and information to those with little or no digital literacy skills, and others without personal internet access. We identified research gaps, such as training needs for teleconsultations, and scant reporting on usability evaluation methods.
Date Acceptance
JMIR Publications
Journal / Book Title
JMIR Medical Informatics
Copyright Statement
©Inocencio Daniel Maramba, Ray Jones, Daniela Austin, Katie Edwards, Edward Meinert, Arunangsu Chatterjee. Originally published in JMIR Medical Informatics (, 29.03.2022.
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This is an open-access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work, first published in JMIR Medical Informatics, is properly cited. The complete bibliographic information, a link to the original publication on, as well as this copyright and license information must be include
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health service
health systems
mobile phone
online health information
remote consultation
user experience
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