Testing, simulation and design of steel equal-leg angle section beams
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Accepted version
Behzadi-Sofiani, B
Gardner, L
Wadee, MA
Journal Article
The stability and design of steel equal-leg angle section members subjected to uniaxial bending are studied herein. An experimental investigation, comprising material testing, initial geometric imperfection measurements and physical tests on hot-rolled steel equal-leg angle section beams is first presented. The test results, in combination with existing experimental data on steel equal-leg angle section beams collected from the literature, are then used for the validation of numerical (shell finite element) models, developed within the commercial package ABAQUS. Next, a numerical parametric study is presented considering both hot-rolled and cold-formed steel angle section beams with a wide range of slenderness values. In major-axis bending, both lateral-torsional and local buckling were observed, with the former characterised by lateral deflection and twist of the cross-section along the member length but no cross-section deformation and the latter by relative twist and transverse bending of the outstands. In minor-axis bending, lateral-torsional buckling and Brazier flattening were observed, with the latter characterised by splaying of the outstands. Note that, for equal-leg angles under minor-axis bending, lateral-torsional buckling is dominant when the cross-section tips are in compression, while Brazier flattening is more influential when the cross-section tips are in tension. When designing for major-axis bending according to Eurocode 3, both local and lateral-torsional buckling are considered; it is shown herein that equal-leg angle section beams under major-axis bending can be designed using a normalised slenderness based on the minimum of the local and lateral-torsional elastic buckling moments, while also considering the ratio of the local to the lateral-torsional elastic buckling moments. For minor-axis bending, Eurocode 3 only requires cross-section checks; this is found to result in unsafe predictions in some cases. It is shown that both safer and more accurate resistance predictions can be achieved when lateral-torsional buckling and Brazier flattening are accounted for in the design of equal-leg angle section beams under minor-axis bending, using a normalised slenderness, based on the minimum of the lateral-torsional and Brazier flattening critical buckling moments. Finally, new design proposals for steel equal-leg angle section beams, covering both major- and minor-axis bending, are developed and verified against the experimental and numerical results. The proposed design rules are shown to offer substantially more accurate and consistent resistance predictions compared to existing codified design rules. The reliability of the new design provisions, with a recommended partial safety factor γM1 = 1.0, is verified following the EN 1990 procedure.
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Thin Walled Structures
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© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. This manuscript is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International Licence http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/
0901 Aerospace Engineering
0905 Civil Engineering
0913 Mechanical Engineering
Civil Engineering
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