Stochastic neural fields as gradient dynamical systems
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Published version
Bressloff, PC
Carroll, SR
Journal Article
Continuous attractor neural networks are used extensively to model a variety of experimentally observed coherent brain states, ranging from cortical waves of activity to stationary activity bumps. The latter are thought to play an important role in various forms of neural information processing, including population coding in primary visual cortex (V1) and working memory in prefrontal cortex. However, one limitation of continuous attractor networks is that the location of the peak of an activity bump (or wave) can diffuse due to intrinsic network noise. This reflects marginal stability of bump solutions with respect to the action of an underlying continuous symmetry group. Previous studies have used perturbation theory to derive an approximate stochastic differential equation for the location of the peak (phase) of the bump. Although this method captures the diffusive wandering of a bump solution, it ignores fluctuations in the amplitude of the bump. In this paper, we show how amplitude fluctuations can be analyzed by reducing the underlying stochastic neural field equation to a finite-dimensional stochastic gradient dynamical system that tracks the stochastic motion of both the amplitude and phase of bump solutions. This allows us to derive exact expressions for the steady-state probability density and its moments, which are then used to investigate two major issues: (i) the input-dependent suppression of neural variability and (ii) noise-induced transitions to bump extinction. We develop the theory by considering the particular example of a ring attractor network with SO(2) symmetry, which is the most common architecture used in attractor models of working memory and population tuning in V1. However, we also extend the analysis to a higher-dimensional spherical attractor network with SO ( 3 ) symmetry which has previously been proposed as a model of orientation and spatial frequency tuning in V1. We thus establish how a combination of stochastic analysis and group theoretic methods provides a powerful tool for investigating the effects of noise in continuous attractor networks.
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American Physical Society (APS)
Journal / Book Title
Physical Review E
Copyright Statement
©2019 American Physical Society
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