Impact of Parameter Uncertainty on Power Flow accuracy in multi-terminal systems
Beddard, A
Wang, W
Barnes, M
Green, TC
Green, PR
Conference Paper
Accurate power flow in a MT system can be achieved
with droop controllers. However, almost all publications have
assumed that the DC voltage, DC current and DC cable
resistances can be measured with 100% accuracy. In this paper, a
novel power flow solver is developed which enables the user to
analyse the impact of these parameters on power flow accuracy.
The developed Parameter Uncertainty Power Flow Solver (PUPFS)
is shown to be able to accurately calculate the power flow
error for hundreds of parameter uncertainty scenarios in less
than a second. The PU-PFS is employed to investigate the impact
of parameter uncertainty on a potential MT system and the
results show that realistic measurement errors (0.2%) can result
in significant power flow error (>150MW). Finally, the paper
assesses the key factors which influence the power flow accuracy
resulting in a number of important conclusions.
with droop controllers. However, almost all publications have
assumed that the DC voltage, DC current and DC cable
resistances can be measured with 100% accuracy. In this paper, a
novel power flow solver is developed which enables the user to
analyse the impact of these parameters on power flow accuracy.
The developed Parameter Uncertainty Power Flow Solver (PUPFS)
is shown to be able to accurately calculate the power flow
error for hundreds of parameter uncertainty scenarios in less
than a second. The PU-PFS is employed to investigate the impact
of parameter uncertainty on a potential MT system and the
results show that realistic measurement errors (0.2%) can result
in significant power flow error (>150MW). Finally, the paper
assesses the key factors which influence the power flow accuracy
resulting in a number of important conclusions.
Date Issued
Date Acceptance
IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting, 2016
Journal / Book Title
IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting
Copyright Statement
© 2016 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting/republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other works.
IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2016
Science & Technology
Energy & Fuels
Engineering, Electrical & Electronic
Droop control
multi-terminal power flow
DC grid
measurement errors
Publication Status
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Finish Date
Coverage Spatial
Boston, MA USA