Browsing by Sponsor/Funder World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF)

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Showing results 1 to 6 of 6
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
21-Jul-2020Characterising soundscapes across diverse ecosystems using a universal acoustic feature setSethi, S; Jones, NS; Fulcher, B; Picinali, L; Clink, DJ, et al
5-Dec-2019Combining machine learning and a universal acoustic feature-set yields efficient automated monitoring of ecosystemsSethi, S; Jones, N; Fulcher, B; Picinali, L; Clink, D, et al
Oct-2021How index selection, compression, and recording schedule impact the description of ecological soundscapesHeath, BE; Orme, DS; Sethi, CSL; Ewers, RM; Picinali, L, et al
1-Dec-2018Robust, real-time and autonomous monitoring of ecosystems with an open, low-cost, networked deviceSethi, S; Ewers, R; Jones, N; Orme, D; Picinali, L, et al
1-Oct-2020SAFE Acoustics: an open-source, real-time eco-acoustic monitoring network in the tropical rainforests of BorneoSethi, S; Ewers, R; Jones, N; Signorelli, A; Picinali, L, et al
25-Sep-2020Soundscapes predict species occurrence in tropical forestsSethi, SS; Ewers, RM; Jones, NS; Sleutel, J; Shabrani, A, et al