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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Oct-2012Can routinely collected electronic health data be used to develop novel healthcare associated infection surveillance tools?Aylin, Paul; Holmes, Alison; King, Carina;
Aug-2015An exploration of the relationship between organisational culture, organisational identity and healthcare performance in a merged academic health science centreAtun, Rifat; Holmes, Alison; Chapman, Christopher; Mottram, Anne;
Jul-2014Highly selective identification of novel vaccine candidate antigens by immunoprecipitation: the group A streptococcal caseSriskandan, Shiranee; Edwards, Robert; Reglinski, Mark;
May-2016Staphylococcus aureus and toxic shock syndromeSriskandan, Shiranee; Sharma, Hema;