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Showing results 1 to 20 of 28  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
4-Aug-2016A force-balanced control volume finite element method for multi-phase porous media flow modellingGomes, JLMA; Pavlidis, D; Salinas, P; Xie, Z; Percival, JR, et al
1-Jun-2018A new approach to geobarometry by combining fluid inclusion and clumped isotope thermometry in hydrothermal carbonatesHonlet, R; Gasparrini, M; Muchez, P; Swennen, R; John, CM, et al
1-Dec-2016Adaptive mesh optimization for simulation of immiscible viscous fingeringMostaghimi, P; Kamali, F; Jackson, MD; Muggeridge, AH; Pain, CC, et al
15-Nov-2016Community software for challenging isotope analysis: first applications of ‘Easotope’ to clumped isotopesJohn, CM; Bowen, D;
1-Jan-2021Dynamic fluid configurations in steady-state two-phase flow in Bentheimer sandstoneGao, Y; Raeini, AQ; Blunt, MJ; Bijeljic, B;
5-May-2020Evaluation of methods using topology and integral geometry to assess wettability.Blunt, MJ; Akai, T; Bijeljic, B;
1-Jul-2018Evolution of hot fluids in the Chingshui geothermal field inferred from crystal morphology and geochemical vein dataLu, Y-C; Song, S-R; Taguchi, S; Wang, P-L; Yeh, E-C, et al
20-Feb-2018Generalized network modeling of capillary-dominated two-phase flowRaeini, AQ; Bijeljic, B; Blunt, MJ;
20-Jul-2017Generalized network modeling: Network extraction as a coarse-scale discretization of the void space of porous mediaRaeini, AQ; Bijeljic, B; Blunt, MJ;
1-Jun-2022Generalized network modelling of two-phase flow in a water-wet and mixed-wet reservoir sandstone: Uncertainty and validation with experimental dataRaeini, AQ; Giudici, LM; Blunt, MJ; Bijeljic, B; , et al
1-Aug-2020Geochronological and geochemical data from fracture-filling calcites from the Lower Pedraforca thrust sheet (SE Pyrenees)Cruset, D; Cantarero, I; Benedicto, A; John, CM; Verges, J, et al
31-May-2016Higher-order conservative interpolation between control-volume meshes: Application to advection and multiphase flow problems with dynamic mesh adaptivityAdam, A; Pavlidis, D; Percival, J; Salinas, P; Xie, Z, et al
10-Jan-2019Impact of truncation error and numerical scheme on the simulation of the early time growth of viscous fingeringAbdul Hamid, SA; Adam, A; Jackson, MD; Muggeridge, AH;
18-Dec-2016Improving the convergence behaviour of a fixed-point-iteration solver for multiphase flow in porous mediaSalinas, P; Pavlidis, D; Xie, Z; Adam, A; Pain, C, et al
3-Mar-2017Magmatic-like fluid source of the Chingshui geothermal field, NE Taiwan evidenced by carbonate clumped-isotope paleothermometryLu, Y-C; Song, S-R; Wang, P-L; Wu, C-C; Mii, H-S, et al
12-Oct-2016On the role of buoyancy-driven instabilities in horizontal liquid–liquid flowMorgan, RG; Ibarra, R; Zadrazil, I; Matar, OK; Hewitt, GF, et al
23-Jul-2021Pore-scale imaging and analysis of low salinity waterflooding in a heterogeneous carbonate rock at reservoir conditionsSelem, AM; Agenet, N; Gao, Y; Raeini, AQ; Blunt, MJ, et al
Dec-2020Pore-scale imaging with measurement of relative permeability and capillary pressure on the same reservoir sandstone sample under water-wet and mixed-wet conditionsGao, Y; Raeini, AQ; Selem, AM; Bondino, I; Blunt, MJ, et al
15-Dec-2022Pore-scale processes in tertiary low salinity waterflooding in a carbonate rock: Micro-dispersions, water film growth, and wettability changeSelem, AM; Agenet, N; Blunt, MJ; Bijeljic, B; , et al
23-Oct-2017Reconstruction of three-dimensional porous media using generative adversarial neural networksMosser, L; Dubrule, O; Blunt, MJ;