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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2-Feb-2017Effects of side-chain length and shape on polytellurophene molecular order and blend morphologyRazzell-Hollis, J; Fleischli, F; Jahnke, AA; Stingelin, N; Seferos, DS, et al
16-Nov-2016Interfacial chemical composition and molecular order in organic photovoltaic blend thin films probed by surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopyRazzell-Hollis, J; Thiburce, Q; Tsoi, WC; Kim, J-S; , et al
21-Dec-2018Multiphoton tomography with linear optics and photon countingBanchi, L; Kolthammer, WS; Kim, MS; , et al
9-Mar-2018Optical nonclassicality test based on third-order intensity correlationsRigovacca, L; Kolthammer, WS; Franco, CD; Kim, MS; , et al
6-Oct-2018RT-GENE: Real-time eye gaze estimation in natural environmentsFischer, T; Chang, HJ; Demiris, Y;
26-May-2016Spectroscopic investigations of three-phase morphology evolution in polymer: fullerene solar cell blendsRazzell-Hollis, J; Limbu, S; Kim, J-S; , et al
5-Jun-2018Tensor network states in time-bin quantum opticsLubasch, M; Valido, AA; Renema, JJ; Kolthammer, WS; Jaksch, D, et al
24-Jan-2018Versatile relative entropy bounds for quantum networksRigovacca, L; Kato, G; Bauml, S; Kim, MS; Munro, WJ, et al