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Showing results 1 to 3 of 3
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
16-Sep-2020A mixed methods randomised feasibility trial investigating the management of benign paroxysmal positional vertigo in acute traumatic brain injurySmith, R; Marroney, N; Beattie, J; Newdick, A; Tahtis, V, et al
24-May-2019Do equestrian helmets prevent concussion? A retrospective analysis of head injuries and helmet damage from real-world equestrian accidentsConnor, TA; Clark, JM; Jayamohan, J; Stewart, M; McGoldrick, A, et al
Dec-2022The human brain networks mediating the vestibular sensation of self-motionHadi, Z; Mahmud, M; Pondeca, Y; Calzolari, E; Chepisheva, M, et al