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Showing results 1 to 9 of 9
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
20-Aug-2017Continuous production of carbon nanotube-grafted quartz fibres: Effect of carbon nanotube length on fibre/matrix adhesionDe Luca; Anthony, DB; Greenhalgh, ES; Bismarck, A; Shaffer, M, et al
6-Oct-2017Contract design for traffic offloading and resource allocation in heterogeneous ultra-dense networksDu, J; Gelenbe, E; Jiang, C; Zhang, H; Ren, Y, et al
2-Sep-2016Development of novel composites through fibre and interface/interphase modificationBismarck, A; Blaker, JJ; Anthony, DB; Qian, H; Maples, HA, et al
20-Jan-2019Enhanced fracture toughness of hierarchical carbon nanotube reinforced carbon fibre epoxy composites with engineered matrix microstructureZainol Abidin, MS; Herceg, T; Greenhalgh, ES; Shaffer, M; Bismarck, A, et al
29-Sep-2019Mechanical and physical performance of carbon aerogel reinforced carbon fibre hierarchical compositesNguyen, S; Anthony, DB; Qian, H; Yue, C; Singh, A, et al
25-Jun-2009Modeling of Natural Transition in Properly Three-Dimensional FlowsArthur, M; Horton, H; Mughal, MS;
15-May-2014Routing diverse evacuees with cognitive packetsBi, H; Gelenbe, E;
28-Apr-2016Thermosetting hierarchical composites with high carbon nanotube loadings: en route to high performanceHerceg, TM; Abidin, MSZ; Greenhalgh, ES; Shaffer, MSP; Bismarck, A, et al
11-Feb-2016Thermosetting nanocomposites with high carbon nanotube loadings processed by a scalable powder based methodHerceg, TM; Yoon, S-H; Abidin, MSZ; Greenhalgh, ES; Bismarck, A, et al