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Showing results 1 to 20 of 62  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
18-Feb-20193D mapping of gas physisorption for the spatial characterisation of nanoporous materialsJoss, L; Pini, R;
30-Mar-2019Brine chemistry effects in calcite dissolution kinetics at reservoir conditionsAnabaraonye, BU; Crawshaw, JP; Trusler, JPM;
1-Feb-2019Calibration of astigmatic particle tracking velocimetry based on generalized Gaussian feature extractionFranchini, S; Charogiannis, A; Markides, CN; Blunt, MJ; Krevor, S, et al
3-Oct-2015Capillarity and wetting of carbon dioxide and brine during drainage in Berea sandstone at reservoir conditionsAl-Menhali, A; Niu, B; Krevor, S;
1-Apr-2016Capillary filling and Haines jump dynamics using free energy Lattice Boltzmann simulationsZacharoudiou, I; Boek, E;
1-Mar-2016Capillary trapping of CO2 in oil reservoirs: observations in a mixed-wet carbonate rockAl-Menhali, AS; Krevor, S;
12-Mar-2018Carbon capture and storage (CCS): the way forwardBui, M; Adjiman, CS; Bardow, A; Anthony, EJ; Boston, A, et al
12-Dec-2015Characterising flow behaviour for gas injection: relative permeability of CO sub 2 /sub -brine and N sub 2 /sub-water in heterogeneous rocksReynolds, C; Krevor, S;
1-Nov-2018Chemical mechanisms of dissolution of calcite by HCl in porous media: simulations and experimentGray, F; Anabaraonye, B; Shah, S; Boek, E; Crawshaw, J, et al
14-Mar-2017Convex hull approach for determining rock representative elementary volume for multiple petrophysical parameters using pore-scale imaging and Lattice-Boltzmann modellingShah, SM; Crawshaw, JP; Gray, F; Yang, J; Boek, ES, et al
13-Jun-2019Densities of aqueous MgCl2(aq), CaCl2(aq), KI(aq), NaCl(aq), KCl(aq), AICl(3) (aq), and (0.964 NaCl + 0.136 KCI)(aq) at temperatures between (283 and 472) K, pressures up to 68.5 MPa, and molalities up to 6 (vol 57, pg 1288, 2012)Al Ghafri, S; Maitland, GC; Trusler, JPM;
23-Sep-2020Description of chemical transport in laboratory rock cores using the continuous random walk formalismKurotori, T; Zahasky, C; Benson, S; Pini, R;
14-Oct-2016Diffusion coefficients of carbon dioxide in eight hydrocarbon liquids at temperatures between (298.15 and 423.15) K at pressures up to 69 MPaCadogan, SP; Mistry, B; Wong, Y; Maitland, GC; Trusler, JPM, et al
5-May-2020Direct experimental observations of the impact of viscosity contrast on convective mixing in a three-dimensional porous mediumLiyanage, R; Russell, A; Crawshaw, JP; Krevor, S; , et al
1-Aug-2017Dynamic fluid connectivity during steady-state multiphase flow in a sandstoneReynolds, CA; Menke, H; Andrew, M; Blunt, MJ; Krevor, S, et al
8-Jun-2019Dynamic measurements of drainage capillary pressure curves in carbonate rocksHosseinzadeh Hejazi, SA; Shah, S; Pini, R;
21-Feb-2017Dynamic pore-scale reservoir-condition imaging of reaction in carbonates using synchrotron fast tomographyMenke, HP; Andrew, MG; Blunt, MJ; Bijlejic, B; , et al
12-Jul-2017Dynamics of snap-off and pore-filling events during two-phase fluid flow in permeable mediaSingh, K; Menke, H; Andrew, M; Lin, Q; Rau, C, et al
31-Oct-2016Effect of CO2 Dissolution on the Rheology of a Heavy Oil/Water EmulsionHu, R; Trusler, JPM; Crawshaw, JP;
14-Feb-2018Effect of wettability changes on evaporation rate and the permeability impairment due to salt depositionRufai, AK; Crawshaw, J;