Browsing by Sponsor/Funder Qatar Carbonates and Carbon Storage Research Centre

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Showing results 1 to 13 of 13
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
Feb-2015Chemical Interactions Between CO2 Acidified Aqueous Fluids and Carbonate MineralsMaitland, Geoffrey; Trusler, Martin; Peng, Cheng;
Apr-2014Computational methods for geochemical modelling: applications to carbon dioxide sequestrationBlunt, Martin; Moreira Mulin Leal, Allan;
Jun-2013Development and application of advanced thermodynamic molecular description for complex reservoir fluids containing carbon dioxide and brinesAdjiman, Claire; Jackson, George; Galindo, Amparo; Dufal, Simon;
Jul-2017Experimental and modelling studies of reservoir mineral dissolution following carbon dioxide injectionTrusler, J. P. Martin; Crawshaw, John; Anabaraonye, Benaiah Uchechukwu;
Jan-2013Facies control on diagenesis and fracturing in peritidal carbonates : an outcrop based study of lower cretaceous deposits from central east OmanJohn, Cedric; Cosgrove, John; Nunes Harrington Sena, Claire Maria;
Nov-2013Fluid-Rock Interactions in Carbonates: Applications to CO2 StorageBlunt, Martin; Boek, Edo; Bijeljic, Branko; Gharbi, Oussama; , et al
Apr-2017The impact of rock heterogeneity on solute spreading and mixingKrevor, Samuel; Bijeljic, Branko; Boon, Maartje;
Dec-2012Interfacial properties of reservoir fluids and rocksTrusler, Martin; Maitland, Geoffrey; Boek, Edo; Li, Xuesong;
Dec-2014Microfluidic visualisation and analysis of multiphase flow phenomena at the pore scaleBoek, Edo; Chapman, Emily May;
Feb-2017Molecular-based approaches to modelling carbonate-reservoir fluids: Electrolyte phase equilibria, and the description of the fluid-fluid interfaceJackson, George; Galindo, Amparo; Eriksen, Daniel;
Feb-2017On the solubility of acid and sour gases in water and brines under reservoir conditionsTrusler, Martin, J. P.; Maitland, Geoffrey, C.; Hoballah, Rayane;
Oct-2013Phase behaviour and physical properties of reservoir fluids under addition of carbon dioxideTrusler, Martin; Maitland, Geoffrey; Al Ghafri, Saif;
Apr-2016The rheology of crude oil and carbon dioxide mixturesCrawshaw, John; Trusler, Martin; Boek, Edo; Hu, Ruien;