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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
-Measurements of distributed strain during impact pile drivingBuckley, R; Byrne, BW; Doherty, JP; Jardine, R; Kontoe, S, et al
29-Jun-2020Optimisation of impact pile driving using optical fibre Bragg grating measurementsBuckley, R; McAdam, R; Byrne, B; Doherty, J; Jardine, R, et al
30-Sep-2019Research to improve the design of driven pile foundations in chalk: the ALPACA projectJardine, R; Buckley, R; Byrne, B; Kontoe, S; McAdam, R, et al
1-Sep-2019The ALPACA research project to improve design of piles driven in chalkJardine, R; Kontoe, S; Liu, T; Vinck, K; Byrne, B, et al