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Showing results 1 to 17 of 17
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Aug-2019Burn regimes in the hydrodynamic scaling of perturbed inertial confinement fusion hotspotsTong, JK; McGlinchey, K; Appelbe, BD; Walsh, CA; Crilly, AJ, et al
24-Feb-2020Density determination of the thermonuclear fuel region in inertial confinement fusion implosionsVolegov, PL; Batha, SH; Geppert-Kleinrath, V; Danly, CR; Merrill, FE, et al
1-Dec-2018Diagnostic signatures of performance degrading perturbations in inertial confinement fusion implosionsMcGlinchey, K; Appelbe, BD; Crilly, AJ; Tong, JK; Walsh, CA, et al
1-Feb-2022Exploring extreme magnetization phenomena in directly driven imploding cylindrical targetsWalsh, CA; Florido, R; Bailly-Grandvaux, M; Suzuki-Vidal, F; Chittenden, JP, et al
1-Jan-2019Impact of imposed mode 2 laser drive asymmetry on inertial confinement fusion implosionsJohnson, MG; Appelbe, BD; Chittenden, JP; Crilly, A; Delettrez, J, et al
Sep-2014Ion channelling and electronic excitations in siliconFoulkes, Matthew; Horsfield, Andrew; Lim, Anthony Craig;
12-Aug-2022Lawson criterion for ignition exceeded in an inertial fusion experimentAbu-Shawareb, H; Acree, R; Adams, P; Adams, J; Addis, B, et al
1-Mar-2021Magnetic field transport in propagating thermonuclear burnAppelbe, B; Velikovich, AL; Sherlock, M; Walsh, C; Crilly, A, et al
28-Sep-2020Magnetic signatures of radiation-driven double ablation frontsCampbell, PT; Walsh, CA; Russell, BK; Chittenden, JP; Crilly, A, et al
1-Oct-2020Magnetized directly-driven ICF capsules: increased instability growth from non-uniform laser driveWalsh, CA; Crilly, AJ; Chittenden, JP; , et al
1-Jan-2022Measuring magnetic flux suppression in high-power laser-plasma interactionsCampbell, PT; Walsh, CA; Russell, BK; Chittenden, JP; Crilly, A, et al
Dec-2023Modelling ignition and burn in pre-magnetised inertial confinement fusion experimentsChittenden, Jeremy; O'Neill, Sam Thomas Jack;
1-Jan-2020Neutron backscatter edge: A measure of the hydrodynamic properties of the dense DT fuel at stagnation in ICF experimentsCrilly, AJ; Appelbe, BD; Mannion, OM; Forrest, CJ; Gopalaswamy, V, et al
1-Feb-2019Perturbation modifications by pre-magnetisation of inertial confinement fusion implosionsWalsh, CA; McGlinchey, K; Tong, JK; Appelbe, BD; Crilly, A, et al
Apr-2020Simulation of nuclear observables in inertial confinement fusion experimentsChittenden, Jeremy; Appelbe, Brian; Crilly, Aidan;
1-Dec-2018Synthetic nuclear diagnostics for inferring plasma properties of inertial confinement fusion implosionsCrilly, AJ; Appelbe, BD; McGlinchey, K; Walsh, CA; Tong, JK, et al
1-Feb-2021The effect of areal density asymmetries on scattered neutron spectra in ICF implosionsCrilly, AJ; Appelbe, BD; Mannion, OM; Forrest, CJ; Chittenden, JP, et al