Browsing by Sponsor/Funder Kaiser Foundation Hospitals,Center for Health Research

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Showing results 1 to 8 of 8
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
27-May-2019Airflow obstruction and cardio-metabolic comorbiditiesTriest, FJJ; Studnicka, M; Franssen, FME; Vollmer, WM; Lamprecht, B, et al
1-Sep-2019Bronchodilator reversibility in asthma and COPD: Findings from three large population studiesJanson, C; Malinovschi, A; Amaral, A; Accordini, S; Bousquet, J, et al
Aug-2019Overdiagnosis of COPD in subjects with unobstructed spirometry: a BOLD analysisSator, L; Horner, A; Studnicka, M; Lamprecht, B; Kaiser, B, et al
22-Nov-2017Prevalence and burden of chronic bronchitis symptoms: results from the BOLD studyMejza, F; Gnatiuc, L; Buist, AS; Vollmer, WM; Lamprecht, B, et al
17-Feb-2022Restricted spirometry and cardiometabolic comorbidities: Results from the international population based BOLD studyKulbacka-Ortiz, K; Triest, F; Franssen, F; Wouters, E; Studnicka, M, et al
11-Aug-2017Severity of airflow obstruction in Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD): proposal for a new classificationCoton,, S; Vollmer, WM; Bateman, E; Marks, GB; Tan, W, et al
-Testing bronchodilator responsivenessJanson, C; Malinovschi, A; Amaral, A; Accordini, S; Bousquet, J, et al
20-Sep-2017Unemployment in chronic airflow obstruction around the world: Results from the BOLD studyGrønseth, R; Erdal, M; Tan, WC; Obaseki, DO; Amaral, AFS, et al