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Showing results 1 to 20 of 42  next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
1-Jun-2019Adaptive federated learning in resource constrained edge computing systemsWang, S; Tuor, T; Salonidis, T; Leung, KK; Makaya, C, et al
19-Jun-2020Capacity analysis of distributed computing systems with multiple resource typesHan, P; Wang, S; Leung, KK;
28-Jun-2018Decision-making in policy governed human-autonomous systems teamsFelmlee, D; Lupu, E; McMillan, C; Karafili, E; Bertino, E, et al
1-Jun-2016Declarative framework for specification, simulation and analysis of distributed applicationsRusso, AM; Ma, J; Lobo, J; Le, F;
18-May-2015Demo: NOMAD: an edge cloud platform for hyper-responsive mobile appsPamboris, A; Báguena, M; Wolf, AL; Manzoni, P; Pietzuch, P, et al
24-Aug-2015Detecting distributed signature-based intrusion: The case of multi-path routing attacksMa, J; Le, F; Russo, AM; Lobo, J;
5-Dec-2019Distributed optimization framework for in-network data processingLeung, K; Nazemi, S; Swami, A;
-DQ Scheuler: deep reinforcement learning based controller synchronization in distributed SDNZhang, Z; Ma, L; Poularakis, K; Leung, K; Wu, L, et al
1-Apr-2017Dynamic service placement for mobile micro-clouds with predicted future costsWang, S; Urgaonkar, R; He, T; Chan, K; Zafer, M, et al
19-Jan-2016Experimental results on the use of genetic algorithms for scaling virtualized network functionsRankothge, W; Le, F; Russo, A; Lobo, J;
30-Sep-2020Fast-fourier-forecasting resource utilisation in distributed systemsPritz, PJ; Perez, D; Leung, KK;
3-Apr-2020FastLAS: scalable inductive logic programming incorporating domain-specific optimisation criteriaLaw, M; Russo, A; Bertino, E; Broda, K; Lobo, J, et al
30-Jun-2018Frontier: resilient edge processing for the internet of thingsO'Keeffe, D; Salonidis, T; Pietzuch, PR;
31-Oct-2019Generative policies for coalition systems - a symbolic learning frameworkBertino, E; White, G; Lobo, J; Ingham, J; Cirincione, GH, et al
1-Aug-2019How advantageous Is It? An analytical study of controller-assisted path construction in distributed SDNZhang, Z; Ma, L; Leung, KK; Le, F; Kompella, S, et al
15-Jan-2018Improving data sharing in data rich environmentsKarafili, E; Lupu, E; Cullen, A; Williams, B; Arunkumar, S, et al
17-Jun-2019Learning the optimal synchronization rates in distributed SDN control architecturesPoularakis, K; Qin, Q; Ma, L; Kompella, S; Leung, K, et al
1-Jun-2021Let's share: a game-theoretic framework for resource sharing in mobile edge cloudsZafari, F; Leung, KK; Towsley, D; Basu, P; Swami, A, et al
3-Aug-2017Live Service Migration in Mobile Edge CloudsMachen, A; Wang, S; Leung, KK; Ko, BJ; Salonidis, T, et al
1-May-2018Locating faults in MANET-hosted software systemsNovotny, P; Ko, B-J; Wolf, AL;