Browsing by Sponsor/Funder Health Data Research UK

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Showing results 1 to 4 of 4
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
29-Feb-2024Cognition and memory after Covid-19 in a large community sampleHampshire, A; Azor, A; Atchison, C; Trender, W; Hellyer, PJ, et al
Apr-2022Comparing the longer-term effectiveness of a single dose of the Pfizer-BioNTech and Oxford-AstraZeneca COVID-19 vaccines across the age spectrumKaura, A; Trickey, A; Shah, A; Benedetto, U; Glampson, B, et al
29-Dec-2021GP consultation rates for post-acute COVID-19 sequelae in cases managed in the community or hospital in the UK: a population-based studyWhittaker, H; Gulea, C; Koteci, A; Kallis, C; Morgan, A, et al
Sep-2022Remote COVID-19 assessment in primary care (RECAP) risk prediction tool: derivation and real-world validation studiesEspinosa-Gonzalez, A; Prociuk, D; Fiorentino, F; Ramtale, C; Mi, E, et al